Clean for the Queen - Sherborne
Between Friday 4th and Sunday 6th March 2016 teams of people flocked to their towns and cities ar
ound the country to rid the streets of litter in readiness for the Queen’s 90th Birthday celebrations in June.
The Bay Tree Cleaning Company hosted the ‘litter-pick’ in Sherborne on Saturday 5th of March and had a fantastic turn out. Aided with research from Anthony Vosper, the team leader of Sherborne’s monthly litter pick and with tools donated by Dorset CPRE (Campaign to Protect Rural England) The Bay Tree Cleaning Company decided to work within the St Pauls area of Sherborne (South of the Gryphon School) and collected around 10 bags full of waste. Around 50% of the litter collected was able to be recycled and the reception from the local residents was extremely welcoming.
There were volunteers of all ages and even some of the local councillors decided to join in too.
Particularly troublesome areas seemed to be around the lanes of Sherborne Primary School where a surprisingly large amount dog waste was left too.
The company are hoping to action a further litter pick around summer time and involve the local schools too. Getting the children involved is a great way to encourage a positive and active attitude to keeping the community that they live in clean and tidy.
If anybody would like to get involved in Sherborne’s monthly litter pick, please get in touch with Anthony Vosper directly on 01935 814840 or